Congratulations to Bill on more than 55 years as our Scoutmaster
You are incredible!
Welcome to Troop 26! Troop 26, in Tulsa, OK, meets every Monday evening at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. Troop 26 is a boy-led troop with over 825 Eagle scouts since 1969. Bill Shaffer has been the troop Scoutmaster for 55 years and has created an incredible program for thousands of scouts over the years. Today, there are over 120 boys and 70 ASMs (both men and women) registered with the troop. We are focused on developing developing scouts to be strong leaders with upstanding morale character and values. We teach scouts to value the scout oath and law, tradition, leadership, opportunity, adventure, the environment, and each other.
At Troop 26, our goal is to be the most awesome boy scout troop in Tulsa and America. Because of the large number of adult and Eagle Scout support, the troop is able to provide many high quality, exciting programs to our scouts. The programs offered include the following:
Camping and Adventure Programs
- Monthly troop campouts (all over northeastern Oklahoma)
- Annual Summer Camp at Hale (Indian Nations Council in Talihina, OK)
- Periodic Out of Council Summer Camps (Hawaii, Colorado, Texas, South Dakota, Alaska, etc.)
- Troop 26 Backpacking Program
- Regular Philmont treks
- Periodic Northern Tier Treks
- Periodic Seabase Treks
- Regular National Jamboree Treks
- Annual Float trip
Leadership Training
- White Stag Leadership Training
- Pine Tree (Council Leadership Training)
- Leadership Corps
- Troop 26 Backpacking Program
- Troop 26 Stickmen
Special Programs
- Troop 26 Running and Cycling Club
- Fundraisers (Popcorn, Blue & Gold, Camp Cards, etc.)
- Order of the Arrow (includes OA events such as Ordeals, Vigil, & Conclaves)
- The Hornaday Program
- Troop 26 Merit Badge Program
Special Events
- Court of Honor (approximately 3 per year) with Troop Museum
- Memorial Day Floral Haven Flag Lowering Ceremony
- Troop 26 WOW (Webelos Outdoor Weekends) – Typically around Halloween
- SPL and PL elections (twice a year – 6 month terms)
- Investiture (twice a year)
- Service Projects
Adult Support
- Troop 26 Committee (meets monthly)
- Council Training (IOLS & Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster Specific Leadership Training)
- Wood Badge Training
- Merit Badge Programs
- Uniform Exchange (uniform exchange, patch sewing, special projects)
Troop 26 is always looking for new scouts to join our program. Please take some time to come check us out and see what we have to offer. Click here to have a Troop 26 representative contact you to learn more about our troop.
Fill out the New Scout Application.
The Boy Scouts of America; click HERE to visit the National Website.