Podcast Archive

In the Troop 26 Weekly Podcast, scouts Kyler and David talk about announcements and upcoming events so that you can keep up with what is going on.


Court of Honor, Investiture, and more. This is the first episode that is completely (excluding the intro and outro) unedited, so catch us at a meeting and tell us how great or terrible it is. Also, let’s see how many people we can get to post with #DavidandKylerToldMeTo! (Listen + Eat Sandwiches + Add Hashtag + Tag @Troop26Tulsa)

Weekly Podcast – Episode 3 (1/19/2015)

In episode 3 of the weekly Troop 26 podcast, Johnny F. steps in for David who is out with a funky voice. Kyler and Johnny discuss the news of the week, how the Eskimos’ won the Montezuma Spoon with their great food and slick presentation, and other highlights of the January campout this past weekend.

The podcast is now listed on Apple. Go and subscribe through iTunes and stay updated on what’s going on with Troop 26! Click here to subscribe.

We are trying to decide in which Android podcast directories we should list the troop’s podcast. Let us know if you have a preference.

Weekly Podcast – Episode 2 (1/12/2015)

This is episode 2 of the weekly Troop 26 podcast. SPL Tyler G. joins David and Kyler to give the news of the week and to discuss upcoming events, including a preview of the Hunger Games camp out in February.

The podcast is now listed on Apple. Go and subscribe through iTunes and stay updated on what’s going on with Troop 26! Click here to subscribe.

Weekly Troop 26 Podcast – Episode 1

This is the first official Weekly Troop 26 podcast. This podcast includes the announcements for the week of January 5th, 2015, the first official scouting week of 2015.

Note: The podcast has been submitted to Apple but approval to be included in the Apple directory is still pending. Hopefully that process will be completed by next Monday.