Who: The Boy Scouts of America & Community Foodbank of Eastern Oklahoma
What: The Boy Scouts of America’s food drive called “Scouting for Food” that benefits the Community Foodbank of Eastern Oklahoma.
Why: To increase efforts in serving food to those individuals and families in need oby restocking the food bank after the busy holiday season. Many people know that hthe Community Food Bank of Easter Oklahoma serves not only Tulsa neighborhoods, bu the whole eastern side of Oklahoma. What many peopled don’t realize is that after the holiday food drives, the food banks are nearly empty. The Boy Scouts of America would like to help with this dilemma and increase efforts in replenishing the food banks.
Where: Tulsa Metro Area and surrounding cities
When: The food drive will begin February 7th & 8th with scouts going through neighborhoods and placing bags with fliers attached on door steps. One week later, on February 14th between 9AM & noon, the scouts will return to the neighborhoods to pick up the bags full of food. All food donations will be delivered to the nearest drop-off location for the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma to pick up.
Examples of items that can be Donated:
- Peanut Butter
- Canned Chicken and tuna
- Canned Soups, stews, and chili
- Canned fruits and vegetables
- Cereal
- Rice & Pasta
Examples of items we CANNOT accept:
- Food that is homemade, home-canned, or previously opened
- Unlabeled products or a product not in its original package
- No perishable food, alcohol, medicine, or soda pop
- Rusty or dented cans
- Outdated products
- Items in glass containers
Who to Contact: If you want to participate or make a donation, visit our Contact Us page and let us know.
Additional Resources
Flier: Download and print out the Scouting for Food flier to leave at homes