Are you looking for a great gift for your scout? Invest in their scouting experience by making a contribution to their Troop 26 scout account by purchasing a “Troop 26 Investment Certificate” for a scout. 100% of the contribution goes DIRECTLY to the scout’s account and can be used for any scouting activity (see below for examples of how scout funds will be used). By investing in a scout, you are making a contribution to the future of your scout.
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Scout Investment Certificates as Gifts
Developing Future Leaders with Character
General Costs Table
Program Terms and Conditions
Program Frequently Asked Questions
Scout Investment Certificates as Gifts
Contributions to scouting accounts can be made through the Scout Investment Certificate program throughout the year. This is a great option for birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, stocking stuffers, congratulatory gifts, or any other holiday throughout the year.
After making a deposit into a scout’s personal account, you will receive an Investment Certificate as shown below. The Investment Certificate can be included in birthday cards, Christmas cards, stockings, or presented directly to scouts. It has no direct monetary value (the funds are already in the scout’s account and ready to use). It is a keepsake for the scout as a lasting reminder to them that you are a supporter and contributor to their scouting success.
Developing Future Leaders with Character
Troop 26 is an organization that help boys develop character, personal skills, and leadership skills. These skills are acquired through many different programs that are available through Troop 26 including weekly meetings, camp outs, training programs (including White Stag and Pine Tree), summer camp, high adventure treks (including Philmont, Northern Tier, and Seabase), and special trips like Jamboree and out-of-state summer camp opportunities. Through these adventures, scouts are given opportunities to step into many different roles that teach new skills and challenge their abilities. Troop 26 has an exceptional track record of helping scouts to fully reach their potential.
Along with the benefits of the Troop 26 scouting experience is a significant expense. Scouts and their families provide the funds to participate in the many different events that are available to scouts. Scouts are provided with opportunities to earn funds through many different fundraisers throughout the year (including popcorn sales, Blue & Gold Sausage, Camp Cards, and other fundraisers that are made available). In most cases, scouts work jobs outside of scouting to raise funds to pay for their adventures. Below is an example of some of the expenses for scouting:
Expense | Estimate Cost |
Dues | $42 semi-annually |
Monthly Campouts | $15 – $20 per campout |
Summer Camp | ~$350 per year |
National Jamboree (every 4 years) | ~$2000 |
Adventure Trek (Philmont, Northern Tier, Sea Base) | $1,500-$2,000 |
Equipment | $20-$150 per item |
Training Courses | $25-$100 each |
Investment Certificate Terms & Conditions
- Investment Certificates will not be issued until the full amount of the investment certificate has been paid to Troop 26.
- Scouts can use funds deposited into their accounts for any BSA / Troop 26 scouting activity including, but not limited to, paying dues, purchasing equipment and uniforms, camping, purchasing materials for scouting activities, participation in summer camp, Order of the Arrow, Crew 26, high adventure base, merit badge courses, etc. If there is any question about appropriate usage of funds, contact the troop treasurer or scoutmaster for clarification.
- Scouts must be in good standing with Troop 26 and the BSA to maintain their scout accounts. To remain in good standing, scouts must pay their semi-annual dues and submit their health forms annually.
- Funds deposited into scout accounts do not earn interest.
- Funds deposited into scout accounts cannot be withdrawn for any purpose not related to scouting.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q.) How can I purchase an Investment Certificate for my scout?
A.) Go to Scout Account Contribution to start the process.
Q.) Can I make an anonymous contribution to a scout’s account?
A.) Absolutely. When making your contribution into a scout’s account, be sure to mark your donation as anonymous. The Investment Certificate will be delivered directly to the scout.
Q.) Can I make a contribution to a general scholarship fund?
A.) Certainly. A scholarship fund has been set up for ScoutMaster Bill Shaffer to provide scouting adventures for scouts who experience financial hardships or who would otherwise be unable to participate in certain scouting events. You can make your contribution to the Bill Shaffer Scholarship fund, which enables more scouts to participate in wide array of activities.
Q.) What is the minimum investment?
A.) $15 is a recommended minimum investment.
Q.) What is the maximum investment?
A.) There is no maximum investment that can be made. However, Troop 26 wants all scouts to be able to fully utilize their scout account during the course of their scouting career. Consider limiting the investment to an amount that the scout will be able to fully utilize over the remainder of their time in scouting.
Q.) Can funds from a scout account be used for Eagle Projects?
A.) If the Eagle project has been properly approved through the Eagle Review Board, funds from the account can be used for Eagle projects.
Q.) Who do I make my check payable to?
A.) Make checks payable to Troop 26. Do not make checks payable to scouts, the treasurer, or other assistant scoutmasters. Please note the scout name(s) in the memo field of the check.
Q.) Who do I submit paperwork and payments to?
A.) Please provide your contribution and printed contribution form (if you did not use the online form) to ASM Christopher Smith. Please do not submit contributions directly to Jim or Randy or the Investment Certificate may not be fully processed.