The Beginning of October

Hey everyone! Caleb here!
I have a few things I’d like to say about October.
First off, it’s among my favorite months, thanks to the lowering of the mercury!
Second, for the troop, October is an important month. The reason for this is because we have the Webelos outdoor Weekend! This campout is held at Garland. Now, this is a special campout where we work to impressive the little Webelos! I’d love to see at least 10 new Webelos join our troop because of this event! For this to happen, everyone will need to be on their best behaviour! The Theme for the WOW is Germany! It’s Scoutoberfest! We as the troop will be doing Outdoorsmanship, and we need some scouts to help teach this. Please contact me if you are interested. Also, I would love to see some people in Lederhosen! I
Here’s a picture of them!
But Seriously, the patrol leader whose patrol has the most people in decent costume will receive 3 bonus points.
In other WOW news, there will be some very important rank advancement going on for those under first class. Also, the MegaZip will be open, but to ride you must be 14 or older and weigh less than 220 lbs. There will also be a water slide for people to enjoy! There is an addition $10 cost for the campout this weekend. Patrol Leaders, please plan for this accordingly.
There will be a TLC this tuesday at my house. You can email me at for my address. I will also have little address slips at the meeting monday. For the TLC I need the Patrol Leaders, ASPLs, Chaplains, and Scribes.

In other news, we were asked by Legally Pink! to help organize their Breast Cancer Awareness Month Parade and Civic event. This is a great service opportunity for the troop! I’d love to see many people there to support! You can get service hours for this! Please see Mr. Fournet for more information about this event.

I will be continueing the change I made to the way Merit Badges are announced on Monday nights. I do apologize for just spontaneously changing things, but I like the way it worked. So, again, if you are offering a merit badge on Monday, make sure you have it on the board and only make special announcements! Also, Please keep all your general announcements less than 3 minutes long. This will help us get more time on mondays for classes.

Don’t forget the workday on Saturday at the church from 1pm to 3pm! Remember Patrol Leaders, you and one other patrol member need to go to get credit.

Allright! So that’s about all I have for news today!

Here’s a joke for you:
What did the lawyer name his daughter?

And a little bit of Philosophy homework:
“Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.”
Take some time and think about this proverb. What does it mean? What does it mean to you? How could this proverb be related to the scout Oath or Law?

Alright! That’s all for today! Everyone have a great weekend! I’ll see you all Monday!
