The Staff patrol is a patrol composed of the SPL(Senior Patrol Leader), 1st Assistant, Head Quartermaster, and the Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders. This patrol not only leads and coordinates the troop in its activities, but also is the example patrol for the rest of the patrols to follow. The patrol typically consists of older, or higher ranked scouts who can be the go to guys to help with things at a moment’s notice.
My staff for the summer term of 2016 is composed of
Owen Baumgartner (ASPL)
Andrew Cornell (ASPL/Troop Andrew)
Josh Cornell (ASPL)
Casey Zandbergen (ASPL)
Collin Kornegay (ASPL)
Ethan Yarrol (ASPL)
Kaleb Peters (ASPL)
Clark Brunea (ASPL)
Kyler Smith (HQ)
Logan Yarrol (1st Assis.)
Parker Plank (SPL/Me)
We also have the power to completely obliterate the Eskimo patrol being the leadership of the troop. This means we are more elite than them. Also open heart surgeries are not permitted in the troop.
Staff Patrol