
Catergories and listings are in alphabetical order. Please let us know if there are any links you think should be listed here.  Thanks

Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
Federal Aviation Administration – FAA
Tulsa Air and Space Museum – TASM
Kansas Cosmosphere A nationally renowned aviation and space musem located in Hutchinson, KS Self described as the busiest Aviation Hub in cyberspace
United States Air Force – USAF
First Aid
First Aid Merit Badge Requirements
Mayo Clinic First Aid for 50 injuries and illnesses
Animated Knots A great knot tying site
Tulsa 26 Scouts, Inc. Tulsa’s charitable corporation supporting youth organizations
Cooking for Engineers A logical approach to cooking
Weather Underground US weather conditions & forecasts
Religious Awards
Religious Emblems for Boy Scouts A listing of scouting  awards for all faiths
Tulsa Disocese Catholic Committee on Scouting and Camp Fire
Boy Scouts of America Our national Boy Scout website
BSA Fieldbook The companion site for the BSA Fieldbook
Eagle District Our district’s website
Hale Scout Reservation Indian Nations Summer Camp
Hawkeye Area Council Scouting in Eastern Iowa
Indian Nations Council Eastern Oklahoma’s Boy Scout Council
Opportunity Knocks Bill’s historic inspirational weekly messages
National Scouting Museum Located in Irving, TX
National Eagle Scout Association Great info for Eagles and those on the trail to Eagle
National Jamboree Located at The Summit, West Virginia
Northern Tier High Adventure Bases
Order of the Arrow TaTsuHwa Lodge
Philmont Scout Ranch
Pine Tree Indian Nations Junior Leader Training
Scout Stuff BSA’s Retail Store
Scouting Forms Misc forms used in scouting
Venturing Indian Nations Council Venture site
Woodbadge Information on Indian Nations Woodbadge Courses
Miscellaneous Links
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Troop 26 charter organization and our home base
Kirk of the Hills Church Host of Troop 26 committee meetings
Merit Beyond the Badge An interesting blog highlighting 46 ways that Eagle Scouts are different from their non-Eagle peers.