These patches were given out at the 2016 Eagle District Webelos Outdoor Weekend in 2016. The theme was “The Games of Indian Summer.” The patch on the left was given to the Staff while the patch on the left was given to everyone who attended. Modeled after past District WOWs and Camporees, this event allowed Scouts and Webelos to participate in exciting Native American inspired games and activities. If you have any additional stories or information about this patch that you would like us to add to this page, please let us know.
Tag Archives: District Patches
Scottish Games | District Camporee 2014
These patches were given out at the Scottish Games “A Scout is Brave” District Camporee. The patch on the left features a scout riding on the back of Nessie while the patch on the right features Lord Baden-Powell wearing Scottish war paint. This event was modeled after the 2012 District WOW, however this campout took the depth of the theme to a new level. Every troop in attendance wore a kilt of a different tartan. Each Troop 26 patrol constructed a unique Scottish battle flag. Bagpipers played through the fittingly rainy weekend as scouts participated in Scottish-inspired games and activities. Boys’ Life even sent a reporter and later ran an article on the event. Below is Eagle Scout Eli Smith’s video highlighting the event. If you have any additional stories or information about this patch that you would like us to add to this page, please let us know.
Scoutoberfest | District WOW 2013
This is the patch from the 2013 district Webelos Outdoor Weekend. The campout was based around a German “Scoutoberfest” theme, with an eagle character played by Eagle Scout Nick Bieser. If you have any additional stories or information about this patch that you would like us to add to this page, please let us know.
Level Up | District Camporee 2013
This was the patch from the 2013 Spring District Camporee. The theme for this event was “Level Up,” a sort of videogame theme. If you have any additional stories or information about this patch that you would like us to add to this page, please let us know.
Clash of the Titans | District WOW 2012
This patch is from the 2012 District WOW. There was a matching patch with a red border for Staff of the event. Pictured on the patch is Perseus, who was played by Eagle Scout Braden Wajda. The Clash of the Titans theme carried over into all activites such as games and patrol spirit. Each patrol in the troop created a special flag for the event themed around a creature from Greek Mythology such as the Eskimo Patrol’s Hydra themed flag seen below. A giant trojan horse was also constructed in the Troop 26 campsite. This event was a smashing success and paved the way for future events such as the Scottish Games in 2014 and the Games of Indian Summer in 2015. If you have any additional stories or information about this patch that you would like us to add to this page, please let us know.
Headless Horseman | District WOW 2010
These patches are from the 2010 Eagle District Webelos Outdoor Weekend. The Headless Horseman’s Head was played by Josh Vanderveen while his body was played by Eagle Scout Alex Rao. The patch on the right was the Troop 26 patch for the event while the patch on the right was given out to all attendees. These patches are the second of the Halloween WOW patches, but more importantly the patch on the right is the first patch that meets Bill’s famous “arch with stuff hanging off the edges” criteria. This was a district WOW, however the Halloween theme was later adopted as a tradition for our Troop 26 WOW events. If you have any additional stories or information about this patch that you would like us to add to this page, please let us know.