April Campout

There will be a campout next weekend the 17th-19th. This campout is the council camporee, “With thousands of participants of all ages having the opportunity to come together to celebrate in adventurous activities, fun games, fascinating displays and captivating shows all at the beautiful Zink Scout Ranch just 18 minutes north of downtown Tulsa there will truly be something for everyone.” please bring $40 (the event fee is $25 and the food cost is $15) to pay Eric Keilbarth if you plan on attending. This will be something you don’t want to miss so please come.

Adults – Create Official-Looking t26 Presentations

So I made these a while back and I don’t think many people are aware of them. These are backgrounds for standard-sized presentations that work with any presentation-building program (Google Slides, PowerPoint, etc). To access these, go to Resources > Official Graphics, right click on the one you want to use and select “Save Image As” to save the image to your computer. Happy Presenting!

(P.S. Here is a sample presentation I created)

Sample Presentation


If you have not acquired an official ID, you have to do that today. TODAY. The e-mail below was sent weeks ago by JJ Jorishie and has been disregarded by many. It cannot be disregarded past Monday. Today! Airline tickets must be purchased this week and we cannot do that without this information. If you are going to Hawaii, 100% of the participants, youth and adults, must have this cleaned up by tonight’s meeting. Read the information below and call me, 918-493-3213, if you have any questions. Read it carefully because any mistakes will cause problems and will cost an additional fee to get it corrected.

If you need an I.D. go to any auto tag agent and get one immediately and then send the information to twright@eaglesun.com immediately. We are trying to get the proper name on all the airline tickets and the above information is needed. If the name on the ticket does not match the name on the I.D. exactly there is a $100.00 fee to make it correct. That fee will be covered by whoever’s ticket does not match the I.D. when we check in at the airport. Remember we are trying to get 37 people checked in and through security so if you have not done this please do it now. If you are going to use a passport then we need the name and race exactly as it appears on the passport. If you are using your drivers license the same applies.

February Campout Postponed

Greetings all! The Troop 26 high council has determined that the road conditions and the forecast for the weekend are such that travel to / from the campout could cause a safety issue. The campout this weekend has been postponed. Stay safe and we’ll see you Sunday for the CoH setup.

Scoutmaster of the Year

At the Eagle District Awards Banquet on Thursday January 29th, Troop 26 Scoutmaster Bill Shaffer was honored with the Eagle District Scoutmaster of the Year award!  Be sure to congratulate Bill and let him know how much you appreciate him.  Other Troop 26 members receiving awards at the banquet include John Points for the incredible Scottish Games Camporee that he organized and Christian Burt for his work as the Chairman of the Webelos Outdoor Woods effort.  Christian also received the Rising Star award.  Troop 26 received an award for the highest popcorn sales in the council.  Others who received honorable mentions include JJ Jorishie and Steve Balman for their work with the district Eagle Boards and Troop 26 scout mom Kimberly Paul for her work with the Friends of Scouting campaign.

Instructions for Making a Kilt – Eagle District Camporee 2014

Below are the instructions for how to measure for a kilt.  Click the link to download.

[wpdm_file id=45]

The next step in making your kilt is to calculate the amount of fabric required.  Below are the instructions for calculating the fabric for your kilt.

[wpdm_file id=46]

Finally, below is the instructions for making a kilt.

[wpdm_file id=47]

Upcoming Cub Scout / Webelos Events

There are three events that Troop 26 would like to invite cub scout packs / Webelos to attend.  Please share this invitation with all Cub Scout Packs and/or Webelos Dens.

Fall Festival – Saturday, September 21st come at the Jack Graves Scout Reservation (Located at 101st St. and 193rd E. Ave Broken Arrow, OK – next to NSU Broken Arrow).  This event is open to all cub scouts and Webelos and is free of charge.  Visit Troop 26 at the Archaeology dig site & museum.  Come dig for buried artifacts, visit the museum, and see our Sarcophagus!!!!  Troop 26 scouts should sign up and help lead this great event.  Contact ASM Christopher Smith to sign up.

Eagle District Fall Camporee/WOW (Webelos only)– This is a great opportunity for Webelos to camp with boy scout troops from all over the district to learn more about what it means to be a boy scout, and to search out a scout troop that will excite and enable them to grow into young men of high character.  Troop 26 invites your Webelos to camp with us or to visit our troop while at the event.  Please contact Christopher Smith at christopher@troop26.org to get details on camping with Troop 26 at the Eagle District Fall Camporee.

Date:             Troop 26 Scouts, October 11th-13th / Webelos, October 12th – 13th, 2013
Time:            Webelos Patrols – Arrive at 8:00 AM, Saturday the 12th
Location:      Contact Christopher Smith for camping details
Cost:             $8.00 per guest through September 27, 2013; Scout or Webelos, youth or adult
$10.00/camper September 30th through October 9th (Deadline).
Plus $15 per camper for meals when camping with Troop 26

RSVP Contact:   To camp with Troop 26, contact Christopher Smith at Christopher@troop26.org

4th Annual Troop 26 Webelos Outdoor Weekend (Webelos only) Troop 26 hosts a WOW for all Eagle district Webelos.  This is an awesome event that Troop 26 hosts at an awesome location.  Webelos will be able to earn pins, trick-or-treat, learn to carve pumpkins, learn about Troop 26, and experience some cool surprises.

Date:                  November 2nd & 3rd (Saturday & Sunday morning)
Theme:              Halloween theme is Dracula this year
Time:                 Arrive at 8:00AM Saturday & Depart ~10:30AM on Sunday Morning
Cost:                  $15.00 per guest (includes meals & special Troop 26 Patch)
RSVP Contact:   Christopher Smith, 918-899-5265, Christopher@troop26.org
Other Info:         More information to come!

WOW events are a great opportunity for Webelos to learn more about the next phase in their scouting career.  We would love to have your Webelos join us at both WOW events.  Please RSVP as soon as possible to reserve your spot.

2014 Philmont Opportunity

Indian Nations Council still has 2 spots open for a 2014 Council Contingent to Philmont.

Dates are aprox June 30 – July 12 2014
Cost is aprox $825
Must be at least 14 by 1/1/14 or 13 and have finished the 8th grade by 6/30/14.
Must pass a Philmont Backcountry physical (height and weight requirements)

This will be a co-ed crew with male and female youth from multiple units.  Barb and Marshall Dunham will be the tour leaders.

If you are interested contact Bill McGhee (bill@wemc.net) (918)760-0847.

Breaking News – No Law Merit Badge at Summer Camp

To All Scouts signed up for LAW Merit Badge:

You all just got more free time during the day at camp.

Law has been cancelled for this summer camp. There are a lot of moving parts to the crime drama and mock courtroom trial that we produce at camp. Unfortunately, many of those people involved will not be going to camp (they are going to the Jamboree instead of camp), or were not available for preparation (they were gone to Sea Base during prep time). If we can’t do it well, we shouldn’t do it at all.

Rick Hayes and I talked last Monday night and we agreed that if we cannot do it up to the usual standards, we should wait and do it next year. There is a possibility that we might do it in the fall at a regular campout but that is not a sure thing. It’s more fun to do at camp.

If you have already completed some of the written requirements, save them. You can use them later when we do it.

So, bottom line: No Law Merit Badge at this summer camp.